Stop Payday Loan Debt Collections
Payday loan debt collectors are among the most persistent and ruthless. They’ll harass you at home, at work and even call the references you put down on your cash advance loan application. The reason these collectors are so over-the-top is because they know the statistics. And those statistics unequivocally reveal that after just 90 days has elapsed from the initial due date, the chances of collecting payday loan debt are near impossible.
Of course, the lender can always pursue other payday loan debt collection methods. Like reporting the delinquency to the three credit monitoring agencies. Or, the lender can collect past due payday loan debt by filing a lawsuit against you. If they win–which often happens–then the lender can seek a court order to garnish your wages, file a lien against personal property or even freeze your bank account with a levy order.
How Payday Loan Debt Accumulates
Payday loan debt adds up very quickly. And that’s because it’s actually designed to do so. From the lender’s point of view, the more you owe in a short period of time, the more likely you are to take advantage of their “extension” or “roll over” options. Here’s why:
You apply for a $400 loan and are approved. But you get $380 in cash–the $20 difference went to pay upfront fees. Now you have two weeks to come up with $400, the principal, plus $80 in interest. Knowing you have to spend the loan money immediately, the lender is counting on the fact you won’t be able to afford to repay $480 and still have enough for living expenses. So, you’ll roll over or extend your loan for a service fee or an amount generally equal to the interest. That $80 in this scenario means you’ve already paid $100 to get $380 in cash but still owe the entire $480.
Stopping Payday Loan Debt Collections
The only way to stop payday loan debt collections is to deal with it head-on. If you can’t come up with the cash yourself, try a payday loan consolidation plan. With a professional payday loan consolidation company, you’ll have a team working for you! They’ll get your loan restructured and/or reduced. Plus, they’ll be able to get you debt free by just making small monthly payments.…
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